The base will increase international tension and intensify an international arms race!

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International Conference on U.S. Radar with the Vice-president of the European Parliament

The campaign “Europe for peace“ organizes an international conference entitled “The Star Wars: myth or reality? – The U.S. national missile defense from the perspective of long-term European security”.

The panelists are:

Luisa Morgantini – the vice-president of the European Parliament
Giorgo Schultze – the spokesperson of the European humanist's forum
Joanne Landy – the chairperson of the Campaing for Peace and Democracy
Ivona Novomestská – the spokesperson of the No to Bases initiative
Jan Tamáš – Humanist movement
Jan Neoral – The League of Mayors against radar

The public conference will take place on Thursday 17th of July at 11:00 in the house of Czech Deputy Chamber in Prague (street “Sněmovní 1”).

The registration of participants will start at 10:00 at the entrance to the building. Identity cards will be controlled because of the rules of the Deputy Chamber.

The entrance is free, the translation into Czech is provided.

The conference is organized by the Humanist movement in collaboration with the League of Mayors against radar.

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