Iran's Nuclear and Missile Potential
6.8.2009 - The EastWest Institute, May 2009
A respected international think-tank issued an analysis elaborated collectively by a group of distinguished American and Russian experts. Their findings can be...

Technical Effectiveness of European Ballistic Missile Defense Options
21.5.2009 - Dean Wilkening, Stanford University
Another renowned expert called "inadequate" the Bush's plan to station interceptor missiles and radar in Poland
and the Czech republic (p. 52)....

2009 National Security and Nonproliferation Briefing Book
16.3.2009 - Peace and Security Initiative
The 2009 National Security and Nonproliferation Briefing Book is a project coordinated by the Peace and Security Initiative (PSI), and generously supported by...

The European missile defense folly
11.12.2008 - Lewis, G. / Postol, T. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
The United States plans to protect itself from emerging missile threats by building a Europe-based missile defense system. Like its predecessors, the system...

Study on the Mission, Roles and Structure of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
9.11.2008 - Institute for Defence Analyses
Below are some excerpts of an up-to-date independent assessment made by the renowned Institute for Defence Analyses (IDA) at the Pentagon's own request....

The USA: Why a Radar in the Czech Republic
13.5.2008 - Prof. Oskar Krejčí, Res publica, April 2008
The foundations for the construction of an American military base in the Czech Republic were laid by the Truman Doctrine. This can be understood on the one...

Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century
29.4.2008 - The Project for the New American Century, September 2000
All that has to be done (especially in terms of military) to eternalize the current U.S. worldwide hegemony – openly expressed by American strategists...

Iraq War False Pretenses
14.3.2008 - The Center for Public Integrity
Following 9/11, President Bush and seven top officials of his administration waged a carefully orchestrated campaign of misinformation about the threat posed...

The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy
4.3.2008 - Lieber, Keir A. / Press, Daryl G., Foreign Affairs 2006
Today, for the first time in almost 50 years, the United States stands on the verge of attaining nuclear primacy. It will probably soon be possible for the...

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
3.3.2008 - Mearsheimer, John J. / Walt, Stephen M. Harvard 2006
As for so called rogue states in the Middle East, they are not a dire threat to vital U.S. interests, apart from the U.S.commitment to Israel itself....

Pushing Missile Defense in Europe
1.3.2008 - Joanne Landy and Thomas Harrison, Foreign Policy in Focus
With the occupation of Iraq soon to enter its sixth year and the looming possibility of war against Iran, it’s easy for Americans not to notice the Bush...

An Outdated Radar
26.1.2008 - Prof. Oskar Krejčí, Res publica, November 2007
The programme for the construction of the radar in the Czech Republic and the missile base in Poland is outdated. At least, that is what the authors of the...

The Obstacles To the Proposed U.S. Missile Defense Systems in Europe
18.1.2008 - Philip E. Coyle
At the G-8 Summit in early June, 2007, the difficulties and complexities of proposed U.S. missile defenses in Europe were on full display. (…)

National Missile Defense in Europe: Premature and Unwise
9.1.2008 - Robert G. Gard, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
The Bush Administration has announced its intention to build a national missile defense complex in Europe to supplement current deployments of the system's...

The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases
4.1.2008 - Prof. Jules Dufour, Global Research
The Worldwide control of humanity's economic, social and political activities is under the helm of US corporate and military power. Underlying this process...