We are winning! Civic Protest Is Meaningful
21.9.2009 - Press releases
The administration of President Obama stated on September 17 that, after reviewing the missile defence system, it has decided to cancel the plan to build a...

One hundred people marched against radar
14.8.2009 - Czech news
On 25th of July the No Bases initiative organized a march across Brdy, where the proposed U.S. missile defense radar base should be built. Almost one hundred...

UK deputies doubt US missile defense plans in Europe will increase security
14.8.2009 - Documents
Following are the excerpts from the "Global Security:
Non-Proliferation" report released by British Foreign
Affairs Committee of the House of Commons on...

UK lawmakers criticise U.S. missile shield plan
13.8.2009 - World news
British legislators have questioned the plan to deploy parts of American missile shield in central Europe. The proposed interceptors in Poland and the radar in...

European Missile Defense Must Respond to Real Threat
13.8.2009 - Documents
Following are the excerpts from the "Missile Defense
Fact Sheet" released by the House of Representatives
on the 16th of June 2009 in regard to the...

Majority of Czechs still against US radar base
13.8.2009 - Czech news
According to June survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR
67 % of Czech citizens did not agree with planned
deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic,...

Italians oppose expansion of US base in Vicenza
13.8.2009 - World news
The Italian No Dal Molin movement has long been struggling against the proposed enlargement of U.S. military base
in Vicenza near the UNESCO World Heritage...

Our spokesperson visited CND demonstration
13.8.2009 - World news
The spokesperson of the Czech No to Bases initiative
Jana Glivicka joined the demonstration of the Britain-based Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) held...

Iran's Nuclear and Missile Potential
6.8.2009 - Studies
A respected international think-tank issued an analysis elaborated collectively by a group of distinguished American and Russian experts. Their findings can be...

U.S.-Russian Team Deems Missile Shield in Europe Ineffective
21.5.2009 - World news
A planned U.S. missile shield to protect Europe from a possible Iranian attack would be ineffective against the kinds of missiles Iran is likely to deploy,...

Technical Effectiveness of European Ballistic Missile Defense Options
21.5.2009 - Studies
Another renowned expert called "inadequate" the Bush's plan to station interceptor missiles and radar in Poland
and the Czech republic (p. 52)....

Stanford scholar raises doubts about feasibility of Euro BMD
19.5.2009 - Personalities
Another renowned expert challenges the Pentagon's plan
to place interceptor missiles and radar in Poland and Czech republic. Because if the so-called third...

Obama adviser says some Russian missile defense objections are reasonable
13.5.2009 - World news
A senior adviser to U.S. President Barack Obama says that Russia has some reasonable concerns about U.S. missile defense plans.
The Bush...

Tauscher at MDA Conference: U.S. missiles to be in Poland ineffective against current threats
12.5.2009 - Speeches
The Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher repeats one highly logical but long ignored argument: If there exists some threat from Iran, it is a threat of short- and...

Czech Against U.S. Military Power
2.5.2009 - Commentaries
Activists successfully oppose a Pentagon radar base plan in the Czech Republic.
On March 17, the Czech government withdrew its proposal to ratify an...