Czech Against U.S. Military Power
2.5.2009 - Joanne Landy, In These Times
Activists successfully oppose a Pentagon radar base plan in the Czech Republic.
On March 17, the Czech government withdrew its proposal to ratify an...

Obama Arrives in Prague Amid Shield Protests
13.4.2009 - The Washington Post
Like elsewhere in Europe, President Obama received the red-carpet treatment when he arrived in the Czech Republic on Saturday. But he was also greeted by...

Czech Parliament Vote Clouds U.S. Missile Plan
28.3.2009 - The New York Times
The Czech government lost a parliamentary vote of no confidence on Tuesday, suffering an embarrassing defeat midway through its presidency of the European...

Managing Missile Defense's Demise
16.3.2009 - Jan Jires,
The U.S. missile defense project has always been a divisive issue both at home and abroad. Domestic critics of the project, which the Bush administration...

Obama's chance to end the Star Wars fantasy
15.2.2009 - Johann Hari, The Independent
The programme was dubbed "Star Wars" – which was fitting, since it was science fiction. As the years passed, the US strategic planners developed...

NYT: Obama should review Polish & Czech plans
9.1.2009 - The New York Times
Given all he faces, Barack Obama may be tempted to put Russia on a back burner. We hope he does not.
Russian-American relations have disintegrated to a...

Canadian Military Questions US Motives For Missile Defence
8.11.2008 - The National Post /
'Rogue' states no threat:
Canadian planners say goal is to solidify American power
Canadian military planners believe the real aim of a...

Masters and servant
27.8.2008 - James George Jatras, The Prague Post
The Czech Republic could do the world a favor by acting independent
For a country nearly 20 years removed from Soviet domination, the Czech Republic...

Critical voices ignored in the radar decision
16.7.2008 - The Prague Post
In the glare of the spotlights surrounding a celebrity visit, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. So a bit of context for this week’s signing...

PNAC member Khalilzad on America's real ambitions
24.3.2008 - Lukas Kantor, Britské listy
President Bush's special envoy in Afghanistan and Iraq, now US Ambassador to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad talked to Lyse Doucet on The BBC Interview....

Missile Defense: Longest Running Scam Exposed
12.3.2008 - The Nation
In Congress yesterday, Representative John Tierney, Chair of the House National Security and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, convened the first in a series of...

Is National Missile Defence Really About Protecting The US?
8.3.2008 - The Ecologist
In its analysis of the threats posed to the US following 11 September, the recently published Jane's Sentinel Security Assessment: North America reported...

Seven countries in five years
2.3.2008 - Joe Conason,
Wesley Clark's new memoir casts more light on the Bush administration's secret strategies for regime change in Iran and elsewhere.
While the Bush White...

It's still about oil in Iraq
6.2.2008 - Los Angeles Times
A centerpiece of the Iraq Study Group's report is its advocacy for securing foreign companies' long-term access to Iraqi oil fields.
While the Bush...

Space: America's new war zone
31.1.2008 - The Independent
The Bush administration has staked an aggressive new claim to dominate space - rejecting any new treaties that seek to limit the United States'...