The base will increase international tension and intensify an international arms race!

10 reasons to say no to the radar »
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Raketové centrum v ČR

projev Jana Májíčeka na Českém sociální fórum v Praha 29. 9. 2010

DN! Czechs Protest US Missile Shield Base

10.4.2009 - length 00:28
While President Obama spoke in Prague, over 1,000 protesters gathered nearby to condemn US plans to build a missile shield system in the Czech Republic and Poland. ...

Obama in Prague: Tell him we do not want the radar

3.4.2009 - length 1:04
Demonstration 3pm, Václavském náměstí, Prague ...

Ballistic missile defense in 30 seconds

14.2.2009 - length 00:51
cbc's monday report host rick mercer explains north american missile defense in 30 seconds ...

Human chain against the radar

5.9.2008 - length 10:01
Prague 8/21/08 Jan Palach square - Chamber of Deputies and back. ...

Demonstration against the signature of treaty on radar

17.7.2008 - length 9:57
8th June 2008 - demonstration in Prague. ...

DN! Czechs Protest US Missile Shield Base

10.4.2009 - length 00:28
While President Obama spoke in Prague, over 1,000 protesters gathered nearby to condemn US plans to build a missile shield system in the Czech Republic and Poland. ...

Obama in Prague: Tell him we do not want the radar

3.4.2009 - length 1:04
Demonstration 3pm, Václavském náměstí, Prague ...

Ballistic missile defense in 30 seconds

14.2.2009 - length 00:51
cbc's monday report host rick mercer explains north american missile defense in 30 seconds ...

Human chain against the radar

5.9.2008 - length 10:01
Prague 8/21/08 Jan Palach square - Chamber of Deputies and back. ...

Demonstration against the signature of treaty on radar

17.7.2008 - length 9:57
8th June 2008 - demonstration in Prague. ...


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