The base will increase international tension and intensify an international arms race!

10 reasons to say no to the radar »
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2. - 9.8.2008 Cycling for Peace


From 2nd to 9th of August a peace cycling took place in both Germany and the Czech Republic. The participants manifested thus for peace, disarmament and civil Europe.

Approximately 150 persons took part, including the member of European Parliament Jaromír Kohlíček (GUE/NGL Group).  

The route led from Ulm – Donauwörth – Regensburg – Waidhaus (Germany) to Bělá nad Radbuzou – Plzeň – Trokavec – Rožmitál pod Třemšínem (Czech republic).  

The action called upon citizens and politicians to engage in the efforts to stop the proposed building of American radar in Brdy, Czech Republic. There were also repeated general demands:  

that there will not be established new military (missile defense) bases in Europe that steps towards a civil foreign and security policy will be undertaken
that there will be Europe free of nuclear weapons
that steps towards reduction of expenditures on armament will be undertaken
- that conversion of arms industry to a civil one will be untertaken
that export of arms will be stopped in Germany, Czech Republic and worldwide
The route ended this year in Brdy, where a new military base is supposed to arise as a part of the American missile “defense” system. Both Czech and German civic initiatives protested against this plan.  

The organizers from Germany:

Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft–Vereinigte Kriegsdienst-gegnerInnen (DFG-VK), Landesverband Bayern
(German Peace Society - United War Resisters)
Schwanthalerstr. 133, D-80339 München. 
E-mail: (in English) 

The organizers from Czech Republic 
(No to Radar)

Ne základnám
(the No Bases Initiative) 

(For the Referendum)

Liga starostů proti radaru
(the League of Mayors against radar) 

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