Conference on Missile Defense: Advocates of US Radar refused to participate

From 1st to 2nd of November an international conference “American Missile Defense in Europe“ took place at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University in Prague. The conference was organized by the Center of Global Studies along with the help of the No to Bases initiative.
Right from the inception, the No to Bases initiative has a goal to foster a public debate on the issues relating to the missile defenses. The whole conference was therefore designed as a forum for argument's clash of the opponents and advocates of the proposed building of US missile defense radar in Czech republic.
The invitation accepted among others:
Jan Neoral, the League of Mayers against radar, Czech republic
Lubomír Zaorálek, Vice-chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies of Parliament of the Czech Republic
Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Great Britain
Oskar Krejčí, the Vice Chancellor of the University College of International and Public Relations in Prague
Jaromír Kohlíček, Deputy of the European Parliament
Martin Kloubek, Greenpeace Czech republic
The invitation was also sent to all members of parliament (to both deputies and senators), ministers of government and representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Unfortunately we can see that those who have the biggest political responsibility for promoting the US radar – the government – are not able or willing to defend their position in front of public. No pro-radar politician came to the conference, although they were appealed in advance," says the spokesperson of the No to Bases initiative Jan Májíček.
Right from the inception, the No to Bases initiative has a goal to foster a public debate on the issues relating to the missile defenses. The whole conference was therefore designed as a forum for argument's clash of the opponents and advocates of the proposed building of US missile defense radar in Czech republic.
The invitation accepted among others:
Jan Neoral, the League of Mayers against radar, Czech republic
Lubomír Zaorálek, Vice-chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies of Parliament of the Czech Republic
Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Great Britain
Oskar Krejčí, the Vice Chancellor of the University College of International and Public Relations in Prague
Jaromír Kohlíček, Deputy of the European Parliament
Martin Kloubek, Greenpeace Czech republic
The invitation was also sent to all members of parliament (to both deputies and senators), ministers of government and representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Unfortunately we can see that those who have the biggest political responsibility for promoting the US radar – the government – are not able or willing to defend their position in front of public. No pro-radar politician came to the conference, although they were appealed in advance," says the spokesperson of the No to Bases initiative Jan Májíček.
Press spokespersons:
Jan Májíček, tel. 604 357 215, email:
Jana Glivická, tel. 721 829 641, email:
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