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Senate ratified treaties that the majority does not want


The No to Bases initiative has expressed great regret about the Czech upper house that ratified on 27th of November 2008 both treaties concerning the planned US military radar base. This happened due to voting by senators of the ruling right-wing coalition.

"We are convinced that those who voted for the treaties are telling the citizens one thing: whether you like it or not, we will approve the radar anyway. Is this democracy?" asks Jana Glivická, a spokesperson of the Initiative.

"Advocates of the treaties demonstrated absolute disregard of the facts. First, that for more than two years the majority of Czechs is constantly against hosting the American base, second, that there are no credible security reasons for such a base and that even the European allies criticize it more and more and finally third, that by ratifying such unwanted treaties the trust in representative democracy will be even further undermined," emphasizes Jan Májíček, a spokesperson of the Initiative.

The No to Bases initiative  is continuing with its activities, because the decision on the radar issue has not yet been finalised. If the Chamber of Deputies does not ratify the treaties, they will not come into force. At the same time, with the approval of the Senate, it is possible for a group of senators to officially ask the Constitutional Court whether the treaties are compatible with the Czech constitution.

"We believe that the Constitutional Court would have to say that the radar treaties do not conform to the constitution," concludes Jan Májíček.

The No to Bases initiative will provide further information about the process of ratification and the protests organized against it.

Press spokespersons:           
Jan Májíček, tel. 604 357 215, email:
Jana Glivická, tel. 721 829 641, email:


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