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Czech pro-radar government has fallen

28.3.2009 - The No Bases Initiative

On Tuesday 24th of March, Mirek Topolanek's government received a vote of no confidence. This exactly a week after the coalition withdrew Radar treaty from the parliamentary debate.

The No Bases Initiative observes that this is a fall of a government that, throughout its reign, has trampled on democratic principles, taking no heed of the views of Czech citizens, not even of its own voters, and systematically promoted the stationing of a foreign army base on the Czech territory. Meanwhile it obstinately refused to hold a referendum, despite the fact that an outright majority of the citizens demanded their right to determine through it.

The No Bases Initiative therefore considers this non-democratic and arrogant government's fall as being just. Equally, we want to express our conviction that such fate awaits any government, be it assembled or led by anyone, should such a government promote a foreign army base on our territory. We shall be diligently following the progress of this issue, and reminding individual parties of their promises and attitudes. The decision on the treaty is, after all, a domestic policy concern.

The No Bases Initiative is calling all citizens who are against the stationing of the radar in the Czech Republic, respectively those who are demanding a referendum, to persevere, and to join a demonstration that will take place during the American president Barack Obama's visit here. The protest will take place on the 5th April, from 3pm, at Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí) in Prague. Apart from the No Bases Initiative's representatives, the speakers will include delegates from the League of Mayors against the radar, representatives of the parliamentary opposition to the radar, and other guests.

Press spokespersons:
Jan Majicek, tel. 604 357 215, email:
Jana Glivicka, tel. 721 829 641, email:

The No Bases Initiative was set up in June 2006, and by now it is supported by around sixty organizations. Its aim is non-violent protest against the stationing of a US National missile defense system on the Czech territory. Information regarding this topic is being continually published by the Initiative on its website,


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