Prague City Hall provokes street violence

On Thursday the Prague City Hall (PCH) banned, without any legal reasons, a Sunday protest march of the No Bases Initiative against the US military radar. The PCH has manipulated information to fit its decision and is trying to evoke an impression that there will be no public meetings on Sunday. But the demonstration on the Wenceslas Square has been officially announced and not banned by the PCH (which means the demonstration is legal; according to the Czech law, one doesn’t have to ask for permission).
The PHC banned the march after a personal meeting with the representatives
of the No Bases Initiative during which it has raised no objections against
the route of the march and after the convener of the march changed
the proposed route to avoid any possible public transport complications.
“Restrictions of transport” raised by the PHC as a reason to ban the march
are completely exaggerated and false. It is obvious that these “restrictions”
are not the true reason for this ban.
The PCH has already banned some public meetings of the No Bases Initiative before, using similar arguments. In the following trials,
the court reversed the decision of the PCH. As the sentence states:
“The basic premise (…) is that the right to peaceful assembly is, according
to the Charter of Basic Rights and Freedoms, one of the basic political rights.”
(Prague Municipal Court, 13th February 2007)
The No Bases Initiative will challenge this ban in court as it considers the steps of the PCH illegal.
The No Bases Initiative also states that the steps of the PCH are not only violation of basic political rights. By preventing people from expressing their views in a reasonable way it creates a conflict situation that could lead to street violence. We believe that we will be able, in cooperation with police, ensure
a peaceful course of the demonstration and the march that will follow.
But we will not compromise with the politically motivated steps of the authorities.
It is not only about radar and missile defense; it is about the very chance to express our opinion.
Press spokespersons:
Jana Glivická, cell: + 420 721 829 641, email:
Jan Májíček, cell: + 420 604 357 215, email:
Contacts for the Prague City Hall:
Pavel Bém, Mayor of Prague, tel: + 420 236 00 3411 or + 420 236 00 2266, email:
Jiří Wolf, spokesman, tel: + 420 236 00 2348 or + 420 236 00 3550,
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