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Appeal to the Municipality of Prague to Cooperate with the Convener of a Meeting at Hradcanske Square

4.4.2009 - The No Bases Initiative

The civic initiative No to Bases (Ne Zakladnam) jointly
with the convener Vaclav Novotny call on the Municipality
of Prague to cooperate with the convener of the meeting
to be held at Hradcanske square from 8am to 10pm on April 5, 2009. We are taking this step because of reasonable suspicion that this duly announced and not-prohibited meeting could be disturbed by another meeting to be held at the same place,
the latter having not been announced as required by the law.
Holding two meetings at the same date, time, and place, is ruled out according
to the Law on the Right of Assembly 84/1990 Sb. as amended by later legislation.

According to the above Law §10 para 2b, it is the duty of the Municipality
of Prague and the police to facilitate holding any duly announced meeting,
and prevent its disruption by individuals or groups of individuals.

We believe that the Municipality of Prague will follow the Law and ensure
the exercise, by the convener of, and participants in the meeting, of all their basic civic and political rights as stipulated in the Charter of Fundamental Rights
and Freedoms.

Press spokespersons:
Jana Glivická, cell: + 420 721 829 641, email:
Jan Májíček, cell: + 420 604 357 215, email: 

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