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Technical Effectiveness of European Ballistic Missile Defense Options

21.5.2009 - Dean Wilkening, Stanford University
Another renowned expert called "inadequate" the Bush's plan to station interceptor missiles and radar in Poland
and the Czech republic (p. 52).

Because if the so-called third pillar of American missile defense is really meant to defend Europe, components
of this system should be built closer to the Middle East, for example in Bulgaria
or Turkey (p. 36, 61).

In this location, moreover, even Moscow would be protected from notional Iranian attack (p. 36) and the U.S. military installations could not pose any 
challenge to Russian ICBMs (p. 61).

Source (American): Wilkening, Dean. "Technical Effectiveness of European Ballistic Missile Defense Options", Stanford University, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Wilton Park, October 31, 2008 (61 pages/slides)




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