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American shield? Hungary said no!

13.1.2008 - No to Bases initiative
In July 2004, British daily The Guardian reported that the United States had been negotiating not only with Czech republic and Poland, but also with Hungary and even Romania and Bulgaria.

Thus, who's gonna be caught ...
... unlike other eager beavers, Hungary won't ...

"The Foreign Ministry last Thursday ruled Hungary out of the running as a potential site for a proposed US anti-missile base … "There was some preliminary informal contact on this issue years ago, but there has been nothing since," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Viktor Polgár.

"This has surfaced in Prague, but there is nothing similar going on here." – as the Budapest’s decision quotes prestigious London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies in the article
Hungary rejects US missile base link.

Earlier, at the end of May 2007, the French international radio (Radio France Internationale, RFI) simply stated: "… Hungary refused to host on its territory (American) missile shield. It feared the reaction of Moscow." /in French original: Approchée par Washington, la Hongrie a refusé d’accueillir sur son territoire ce bouclier antimissile. Budapest a craint la réaction de Moscou/

With Hungarian refusal, ""chances"" "of a base being built here (in Czech republic) are increasing", indicated Czech broadcast Český rozhlas on 07.08.2006.

Therefore, Washington has never sent an official request to Budapest – but to Prague and Warsaw.

At the end of March 2007, press confirmed – with reference to deputy director of the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Patrick O´Reilly – that "Hungary has not been asked to deploy any aspect of America’s controversial missile shield" (notice Hungary not part of US missile shield on Europe Media Monitor).

And finally, stubborn Hungary as a potential site was replaced by – ever-willing American ally – Britain, as British newspaper Daily Telegraph pointed out ("Britain seeming to have replaced Hungary on the final shortlist").


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