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Pozvání iniciativy Ne základnám na významnou protiválečnou konferenci

6.10.2007 - Stop the War Coalition
Koordinátorka a mluvčí iniciativy Ne základnám Ivona Novomestská obdržela pozvání na významnou konferenci „Svět proti válce“ (World Against War Conference), jež se uskuteční 1. prosince v Londýně za mezinárodní účasti protiválečných organizací. Konferenci pořádá „Koalice proti válce“ (Stop the War Coalition) usilující o úplné ukončení okupace Iráku a odmítající jakýkoliv útok na Írán. Tématem setkání však bude i Bushova protiraketová „obrana“.  

       Níže přetiskujeme originál pozvánky v angličtině.

Dear Ivona,

this is to invite you to speak at the World Against War Conference we are organising in London on 1 December 2007. This conference follows on from the highly successful International Peace Conference we held in December 2005, which was attended by delegates from peace movements from many countries, as well as by representatives of the Iraqi people. That conference played an important part in developing the international dimension of our movement, in establishing stronger links between our campaigns and in allowing the voices of the Iraqi people to be heard.

The Stop the War Coalition believes it would now be useful to hold a further conference, with the aim of broadening our work still further. We are therefore proposing that the conference this December, as well as maintaining a clear focus on our key demands for a complete end to the occupation of Iraq and opposition to any attack against Iran, also look at the broader struggle against war around the world and for independence against the threats of the US administration. As well as inviting representatives of the Iraqi people once again, we shall also be seeking the participation of representatives of Palestinian, Lebanese, Pakistani, Venezuelan and Cuban movements, amongst others, and looking to highlight the continuing occupation of Afghanistan. We are also hoping for the strong participation of anti-war movements in the USA, Canada and across Europe.. We look forward to hearing from you.

In solidarity AndrewMurray, Lindsey
German, Chris Nineham, Stop the War Coalition 

dále viz Stop the War Coalition

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