Re: Dotaz na radaristy
x y, 20.4.2008
Článek reaguje na:
Pavel Smetana - Dotaz na radaristy
ad 1) a na to jste přišel jak že je to vyvrácené???
ad 2) konečně jsem si dal teda práci a našel jsem vám ustanovení NATO z roku 1999 hloub se mi jít nchtělo
"The Alliance's defence posture against the risks and potential threats of the proliferation of NBC weapons and their means of delivery must continue to be improved, including through work on MISSILE DEFENCES. As NATO forces may be called upon to operate beyond NATO's borders, capabilities for dealing with proliferation risks must be flexible, mobile, rapidly deployable and sustainable. Doctrines, planning, and training and exercise policies must also prepare the Alliance to deter and defend against the use of NBC weapons. The aim in doing so will be to further reduce operational vulnerabilities of NATO military forces while maintaining their flexibility and effectiveness despite the presence, threat or use of NBC weapons."
ad 3) právě že nikdy neměl být proti Rusku, to si jen odpůrci vymysleli že má být proti Rusku, a že ho to jen zbytečně namíchne
ad 4) tak to je tady už od začátku že USA jsou spojenci ....
Takže zase nic asi že?
ad 2) konečně jsem si dal teda práci a našel jsem vám ustanovení NATO z roku 1999 hloub se mi jít nchtělo
"The Alliance's defence posture against the risks and potential threats of the proliferation of NBC weapons and their means of delivery must continue to be improved, including through work on MISSILE DEFENCES. As NATO forces may be called upon to operate beyond NATO's borders, capabilities for dealing with proliferation risks must be flexible, mobile, rapidly deployable and sustainable. Doctrines, planning, and training and exercise policies must also prepare the Alliance to deter and defend against the use of NBC weapons. The aim in doing so will be to further reduce operational vulnerabilities of NATO military forces while maintaining their flexibility and effectiveness despite the presence, threat or use of NBC weapons."
ad 3) právě že nikdy neměl být proti Rusku, to si jen odpůrci vymysleli že má být proti Rusku, a že ho to jen zbytečně namíchne
ad 4) tak to je tady už od začátku že USA jsou spojenci ....
Takže zase nic asi že?
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