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Pomozte iniciativě - účet 2720320001/5500

Re: Re: Re: Re: Co si vzít z ruského napadení Gruzie

Máte pravdu, Putin mluví o "tragédii". Omlouvám se, zmýlil jsem se.

QUESTION: I have a question for the Russian President. In his time President Yeltsin called the intrusion by the armies of the Warsaw Pact into Czechoslovakian territory an aggression. I would like to know your opinion on this event and do you think that Russia, the successor state of the USSR, bears a certain responsibility for this act? Thank you.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: When President Yeltsin was in the Czech Republic in 1993 he spoke not only on his own behalf, but on behalf of the Russian Federation and the Russian people. And today we are not only observing the agreements that we reached in the past but we share the same opinions that were expressed at the beginning of the 1990s.

The only concern we have when talking about the tragic events of the past is that certain political forces use these events today to provoke anti-Russian feelings and tentatives to give the impression that Russia is a somewhat incapacitated country. This makes us uneasy. But I must tell you absolutely frankly that while of course there is no legal responsibility here and indeed, there cannot be any, of course a moral responsibility exists. It could not be any other way.

Více na http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2006/03/01/2320_type82914type82915_102641.shtml

Josef Jarkovský
Zhlédnuto 1521 x


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