The base will increase international tension and intensify an international arms race!

10 reasons to say no to the radar »
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Czech news

Czech MP asks Obama to review radar

13.11.2008 -
MP for the Green Party Olga Zubová wrote an open letter addressed to US President-elect Barack Obama, asking him to review the US stance on the...
Czech MP asks Obama to review radar

Majority of Czechs still against US radar

13.11.2008 - Public Opinion Research Centre
According to September survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR 67 % of Czech citizens did not agree with planned deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic, on...
Majority of Czechs still against US radar

Prague 21.10.2008: Demonstration against ratification of radar treaties

8.11.2008 - No to Bases initiative
On Tuesday 21th of October, few hundreds of people assembled on the Palach Square in Prague to support the demonstration of the No to Bases initiative that...
Prague 21.10.2008: Demonstration against ratification of radar treaties

Human chain against radar

On 21st of August the No Bases Initiative organized two protests against the plan of the American administrative to build a radar base in Czech republic....
Human chain against radar

2. - 9.8.2008 Cycling for Peace

From 2nd to 9th of August a peace cycling took place in both Germany and the Czech Republic. The participants manifested thus for peace, disarmament and...
2. - 9.8.2008 Cycling for Peace

Experts warn of ray from U.S. radar base

28.8.2008 - Czech Press Agency (CTK)
The ray from the planned U.S. radar base in the Czech Republic can be reflected off a plane or inversion strata and threaten people, an expert group said in...
Experts warn of ray from U.S. radar base

Most Czechs still against U.S. radar

26.8.2008 - Public Opinion Research Centre
According to June survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR 66 % of Czech citizens did not agree with planned deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic, on...
Most Czechs still against U.S. radar

International Conference on U.S. Radar with the Vice-president of the European Parliament

The campaign “Europe for peace“ organizes an international conference entitled “The Star Wars: myth or reality? – The U.S. national missile defense...
International Conference on U.S. Radar with the Vice-president of the European Parliament

Several thousands of Czechs protested against the signature of treaty on radar

On Tuesday 8.7.2008, several thousands of Czechs gathered on Wenceslav Square in Prague to demonstrate against the governmental signature of the main treaty...
Several thousands of Czechs protested against the signature of treaty on radar

Prague: Permanent Petitionary Stand

30.6.2008 - No to Bases initiative
Since Tuesday 17th of June there is a permanent petitionary stand of the No to Bases initiative on the Wenceslav Square („near the Horse“) in Prague....
Prague: Permanent Petitionary Stand

Czech military intervene against anti-radar protesters-Greenpeace

11.6.2008 - Czech Press Agency (CTK)
Misov - Czech military officers have started transferring the Greenpeace activists who have blocked the planned U.S. radar site in the military district Brdy...
Czech military intervene against anti-radar protesters-Greenpeace

Prague activists stage hunger protest against planned U.S. base

19.5.2008 - The Prague Post
Humanist movement members Jan Tamáš and Jan Bednář are taking their protest of the planned U.S. radar base on Czech soil to a new level this week. After...
Prague activists stage hunger protest against planned U.S. base

Radar in Czech republic under US command

19.5.2008 - Aktuálně.cz
General command over the radar base that is to be placed in the Brdy region will belong to the USA. This sentence is included in a bilateral agreement...
Radar in Czech republic under US command

Czechs to be responsible for radar-tied damage in certain cases

19.5.2008 - Czech Press Agency (CTK)
Prague - The Czech Republic will be responsible for the operation of the planned U.S. radar on Czech soil, this is what ensues from the Czech Foreign...
Czechs to be responsible for radar-tied damage in certain cases

Greenpeace occupying the site of proposed U.S. radar

Members of Greenpeace have occupied the spot height 718 in the military territory Brdy, where the proposed U.S. radar should be based. The organization...
Greenpeace occupying the site of proposed U.S. radar
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